Tuesday, April 3, 2012

45 more days

The photo was taken by a pilgrim in 2007.  It is along the path of our 1st day's walk between Irun, where we start, and our first stop, San Sebastian. When we visited Rachel in Bilbao in 2008, we took a bus for a day trip to San Sebastian. We drove through areas that looked much like this.  Walking will be much different, much better: full of silence, sweating and panting, rest stops to take in the view, worrying about the route, and laughter and wonder that we are there actually commencing our Camino, and if I know anything about my God, there will be surprise and grace if I eyes to but look for them.

 I fly to Madrid in 45 days.  Peter, my walking companion, and I will meet, regain our senses and enjoy Madrid for 48 hours, and then take a train north to Irun.  I purchased the train tickets yesterday.  They are printed out and on the corkboard in my office along with the scallop shell, the movie poster from The Way, a small flag of Spain, and a large stick figure silhouette of a person with a walking stick and backpack.

The reality of the journey, the culmination of 3 years of dreams and fantasy, is bearing down on me.  I am both excited and anxious. In 49 days, I'll stand on the very spot where this photo was taken . . .my, oh my.  I hope to savor a fine glass of wine at the end of that day.

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