My traveling buddy
Three years ago, when I started thinking about making Camino, I envisioned going alone. Then, for a reason I can no longer recreate, I sent an email to three friends, inviting them to join me on The Way. Peter Harris responded, "Yes". He was pastor at the United Methodist church I stumbled into after too many years away from church. I heard his preaching, it grabbed me, and I have been going to that little church ever since. Peter and I became close over the years he was my pastor. We led Bible studies and prayer groups together. We went to lunch once or twice a month. He's a conservative crank, and I'm one of those progressive types that conservative cranks like to crank on. He's got more than a touch of the charismatic in him. I've got more
Anglo-Catholic sensibilities--give me "smells and bells". Despite those differences, we are both orthodox as they come when it comes to the faith. We both recite the Apostle's Creed without a trace of irony or "well sorta" or any other high minded sort of evasion. We both get our fill at the communion table and want more. He's taught me more about living the Christian life than anybody in my life. I can honestly say that I can no longer tell who is more excited about this great adventure . . .Peter or Peter.
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